1. Lolita - Analysis - Dramatica
The work examines love in the light of lechery” (Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature 692).
2. Lolita Themes - LitCharts
The common link is obsession, which Lolita suggests is the connector between sexual perversion and artistic talent. Humbert Humbert's passion for Lolita is not ...
Lolita Themes | LitCharts
3. Lolita: Summary & Analysis | StudySmarter
What is the main theme of Lolita? Lolita contains the main theme of the aesthetics and power of beautiful language. Why is Lolita such an important book?
Lolita: ✓ Summary ✓ Characters ✓ Themes ✓ Novel ✓ Quotes ✓ Author ✓ Nabokov ✓ Analysis ✓ StudySmarter Original
4. Nabokov's Rhetorical Strategies in Lolita - University of Brighton
26 nov 2015 · This essay explores rhetorical strategies in the narration of Vladimir Nabokov's novel Lolita (1955) with a view to the three key elements of rhetoric.
In this essay, Valerie Meessen makes the reader question just what it is we think of ‘Humble Humbert’ in Nabokov’s novel ‘Lolita.
5. The Mystery of Vladimir Nabokov's Sources: Some New Ideas on Lolita ...
It is well known that Lolita is an extremely complicated text containing numerous cases of wordplay, literary allusions, parodies and cross references.
Published in Connotations Vol. 14.1-3 (2004/05)
6. [PDF] Alison Rudy Vladimir Nabokov's 1955 novel Lol
Vladimir Nabokov's 1955 novel Lolita is troubling because it deals with the incendiary social problem of pedophilia in a cryptic and manipulative manner ...
7. What Inspired 'Lolita'? - The Nation
10 sep 2019 · This constellation of crime and feminism is a central theme in The Real Lolita. The book's main target is what Weinman describes as the erasure ...
Sarah Weinman’s new book traces the true crime that influenced Nabokov and the writing of his novel.
8. Teaching LOLITA Today - The Nabokovian
2 jul 2018 · Another way of looking at Lolita is in terms of content. It deals with things that we value so much, including desire and love and beauty, in ...
From Eric Naiman: For those of us who teach or admire Lolita, Anne Dwyer (Pomona College) has published an eloquent defense of the novel. https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2018/05/14/teaching-lolita-still-appropriate-opinion
9. The forgotten real-life story behind Lolita | CBC Radio
12 jul 2019 · In 1948, an 11-year-old girl named Sally Horner was kidnapped by a convicted rapist who made her pretend to be his daughter.
In 1948, an 11-year-old girl named Sally Horner was kidnapped by a convicted rapist who made her pretend to be his daughter. Her ordeal inspired Vladimir Nabokov's controversial novel Lolita — but Sally's story has been forgotten, and she died before she had a chance to tell it herself.
10. Parent reviews for Lolita | Common Sense Media
This is about the kidnapping and repeated rape of a 12 year old child. Humbert the creep is sexually attracted to children.
Read Lolita reviews from parents on Common Sense Media. Become a member to write your own review.