Sturgia | Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Wiki (2024)

Sturgia | Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Wiki (1)Centralizing Monarchical Principality

A Former Confederation.

Rebellious Descendants of Foreign Conquerors.

Efficient and Crafty In a Land of Fortune and Fur.

They are Simultaneously War and Business-Minded in Search of Preeminence.

Grand Prince: Raganvad Gundaroving

The Culture

The Sturgians come from the northern woods, just south of the icy Byalic Sea. For centuries they lived an isolated existence in the dark forests, their numbers kept in check by the deadly winters. But as the Empire expanded to fill out the Calradian continent, traders ventured into the woods in search of honey, bog iron, and most of all fur. Great towns sprung up on the network of bays and lakes that joined the Sturgian lands to the outside world, attracting fortune-seekers from the coast, the steppes, and the Nordlands. The princes and boyars of this land have now begun to turn their eyes outward, earning themselves for a reputation for their warlike approach to business and their businesslike approach to war.[— spcultures.XML]

The Kingdom

The confederation of small kingdoms that is now the Principality of Sturgia came into being only a century ago. As boomtowns sprung up alongside the bays and lakes of the north, the local tribal leaders forged marriage pacts with Nords and other adventurers, hiring their swords to subdue their neighbors. Under pressure from the empire, they elected a prince to lead them in war, and eventually the princes became a hereditary office. But the idea of monarchy has never sat easily with the independence-minded boyars, and the potential for rebellion always lurks under the surface of Sturgian politics.[— spkingdoms.XML]

The Leader

The current Grand Prince of Sturgia is Raganvad Gundaroving. Harsh and uncompromising, he believes that it is the right of the prince to command the boyars in all things, not just in making war. For the time being they obey him, not least for his ability to call on the kinsmen of his mother, a Nordic princess with ties to the fearsome Skolderbroda mercenary company.[— heroes.XML]

Their Policies

Precarial Land Tenure

Land grants are considered to be temporary offices rather than the rightful inheritance of lords. In practice heirs tend to take over their families fiefs, but it's easier under depositions to remove them. Precarial meansdependent on the will or pleasure of another; liable to be withdrawn or lost at the will of another.


Refers to the Norse practice of appointing independent elders to remind the council of the law and past precedents. This, however, tends to favor those with the education to make complex legal arguments.

In Summary

Sturgians are the descendants of the foreign tribes of northern Calradia. As the empire expanded into their cold forests, they found that a ready market for the luxurious furs of woodland animals whom they traditionally hunted and trapped. Sturgian chieftains became princes, vying for pre-eminence with the help of Nord mercenaries who migrated into their realm. They are good hunters and wanderers, travelling far in search of opportunies both for trade and for plunder.[— (StoryMode) module_strings.XML]

Sturgian Clans

Clan Members

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Ruling Clan - Centralizing Sturgia's Power

Clan Tier 6 - Sturgia | Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Wiki (4)351,036 Annual Salary

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Old Believers - Ties to Jomsvikings (Skolderbroda)

Clan Tier 5 - Sturgia | Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Wiki (6)52,920 Annual Salary

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Based on Icelandish Explorers - Independent, Forging Outward

Clan Tier 4 - Sturgia | Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Wiki (8)54,516 Annual Salary

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Clan of Yorig, An Enthusiastic Raider

Clan Tier 4 - Sturgia | Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Wiki (10)141,120 Annual Salary

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Clan of Vyldur, the Gentle Lord

Clan Tier 3 - Sturgia | Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Wiki (12)166,572 Annual Salary

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Clan of Fafen, the Cold and Calculating

Clan Tier 3 - Sturgia | Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Wiki (14)103,824 Annual Salary

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Clan of Vashorki, the Despicable

Clan Tier 4 - Sturgia | Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Wiki (16)35,784 Annual Salary

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Clan of Tovir, the Brave and Headstrong

Clan Tier 1 - Sturgia | Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Wiki (18)46,368 Annual Salary

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Clan of Rolan, ButRun by MatriarchDakhila, Ally ofOlek

Clan Tier 2 - Sturgia | Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Wiki (20)72,156 Annual Salary

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Raganvad Asta Simir Mimir Valla Vidar Lilizha Andruta Luda Teta
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Olek Olek the Old Varra Siga Urik Idrun Rozhivol Apolanea
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Godun Erta Lek Svana Osven
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Yorig Tyaska Isvan Valkava Zaverena Vizhduna Svedorn Izdenka
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Vyldur Dracha Lashonek Zheneva Alvar Zorina
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Fafen Zorika Galden Zlatka
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Vashorki Vitomira Ratagost Yachana Milanka Velina


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Tovir Kisha Galyk
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Rolan Dakhila Forim Chastimir

Lore Only Clans

Not in-Game

Multiplayer Troop Descriptions

<!-- BEGIN - Sturgia Troop Descriptions -->
<string id="str_troop_description.mp_light_infantry_sturgia" text="{=bdrb4ur3}Every village and town in the Sturgian lands supplies a force of Voi, or militia, to the boyars and princes. They support the druzhina in battle, and if they distinguish themselves, can hope for promotion into its ranks." />
<string id="str_troop_description.mp_heavy_infantry_sturgia" text="{=of45b3tL}The Varyags are handpicked from the best mercenaries and adventurers from the north, and are household troops of Sturgian princes. They serve as bodyguards and are considered to be one of the best heavy infantry in the whole of Calradia." />
<string id="str_troop_description.mp_shock_infantry_sturgia" text="{=B7XVRNoz}The Berserkers are elite northlander mercenaries that wield great two-handed axes and other fearsome weapons, with simple wolf skins to cover them. These agile warriors are famous for fighting in reckless abandon to serve as shock troops to break the enemy line." />
<string id="str_troop_description.mp_skirmisher_sturgia" text="{=Mrd3xhZx}The Sturgian frontiers have often attracted fugitives and escaped slaves who prefer to live free beyond the reach of any boyars' authority. These desperate men and women, who traditionally fight with javelin and axe, will still frequently enlist in the boyars' armies for a few silver coins and the promise of loot." />
<string id="str_troop_description.mp_light_ranged_sturgia" text="{=FfGKyq5e}Every Sturgian community has hunters and trappers who bring back the luxurious furs of the north to be traded for goods from warmer lands. In wartime, they will often enlist as archers, trackers, and scouts." />
<string id="str_troop_description.mp_light_cavalry_sturgia" text="{=leAbyu5E}A handful of the wealthier inhabitants on the Sturgian frontiers own their own horses, and many have learned the riding skills of the nearby horse tribes. They are much valued by boyars as scouts and screeners for the main force." />
<string id="str_troop_description.mp_heavy_cavalry_sturgia" text="{=3r3MPbhV}Sturgian boyars are always on the lookout for skilled warriors to bring into their druzhina, or personal retinue. Kept loyal with gifts of gold, equipped with the best weapons and horses, they form the shock force of any northern army." />

Minor factions represent groups in Calradia that are not part of a kingdom. They may include criminal brotherhoods, mercenary organizations, religious movements and nomads. Typically they sustain themselves either by hiring themselves out to a fight for a kingdom or by collecting protection money from caravans and travelers passing though their territory.

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Natives - Vakken Nomads

The tribes known as the Forest People practice slash-and-burn farming in the deep woods, outside the grasp of the Sturgian boyars. They burn down tracts of trees, grow crops on the virgin soil fertilized by ash for a few years until the land is exhausted, and move on. It is an inefficient use of land but a very efficient use of labor, suitable for a numerically small population in a large area. Also, because the plots are hard to measure and tax, it's a very good strategy for people who don't care to be governed.

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Mostly Sturgian Thieves, Fugitives, and More

The Lake Rats live in the marshes on the shores of the great northern lake, in shacks made out of the timbers of ruined ships. They live by “wrecking“ - ie, luring ships onto shoals with false lighthouses and beacons. Because they're scorned by the rest of Calradia - ”all criminals, smell like marsh gas and mud and rotten fish” - they scorn everyone else back. Although mostly Sturgian, their ranks have been swelled by fugitives, debtors, and anyone else who'd rather live by a thieves' code than by the laws of nobles.

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Nords -Real Mercenaries

The Skolderbroda, or Shield Brothers, are a mercenary company for warriors who take fighting and training very seriously. They are primarily Nordic but do allow recruits from other cultures, as long as an already-serving Shield Brother will vouch for them. Their rules are almost monastic: no women in their encampments and no amusem*nts, and no Brother is allowed to spend the night outside without permission. In combat they fight with spear and axe in the Nordic style, and are valued by all the noble houses of the north.

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(Companions have no canon appearance or first name - these are random in each playthrough. Only their nicknames and genders are set in stone.)

Dueling Sword For Hire - Former Skolderbroda

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Braggart - Former Vaegir Guard - Former Skolderbroda

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Former Vaegir Guard for Arenicos, Former Emperor

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Honorable Warrior - Slew Husband in a Fair Duel

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Irritable Former Farmer Now Mercenary

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Gallant Sturgian Warrior - Saving Up for Great Voyage

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Former Hunter, Trapper - Simple Misanthropic Scout for Hire

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Herbalist - Traveling Doctor for Hire, Warrior in-Training

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Traveling Vagrant, Engineer - Thought to be Cursed via a Birthmark on Her Shoulder

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Proud Professional - Will do any Task However, Even if Dishonorable

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Sturgia Territory

The commercial ethic was strong in early Rus, with the town veche or council ensuring that merchants had a major role in state policy. Danger and opportunity went hand in hand. A Muslim chronicler recalls how the Rus father of a newborn boy would show the baby a sword and tell him this would be his only inheritance: the blade would have to win all the rest of it. The Icelandic sagas, though geographically very far removed from the Rus, have also been an inspiration for the Varangians' ideal of businesslike warfare and warlike business, the kind of society where a father could say, "Son, you've been lazing around the fire all winter. Time to get up and show you can take some responsibility for your life. Go pillage someone."

Below is an illustration of Battania in 1084 - where the game starts.

Click on the towns, castles and villages in the table below to learn more about them.

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Revyl, Varcheg, Omor, Balgard, Sibir,Varnovapol, Tyal

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Nevyansk Castle, Ustokol Castle, Kranirog Castle, Mazhadan Castle, Ov Castle,Takor Castle, Vladiv Castle, Urikskala Castle

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Korsyas, Karbur, Rodobas, Kargrev, Chornobas, Skorin, Safna, Marabrot, Borchovagorka, Omkany, Yangutum, Kvol, Radakmed, Alebat, Visibrot, Bukits, Urikskala, Alov, Vladiv, Glavstrom, Takor, Dvorusta, Ov, Ferkh, Mazhadan, Forin, Kranirog, Ismilkorg, Nevyansk, Dnin, Ustokol, Zhemyan, Kvol, Radakmed, Alebat

About the Faction Banner

Sturgia | Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Wiki (99)The Sturgians populate the cold and forbidding forests of North-Eastern Calradia. They are based on the federation of predominantly Slavic city states known as Kievan Rus, with influences taken from the many different peoples who travelled to and settled in this region. This gave us quite a bit of free reign when choosing the design for this faction. In the end, we decided to lean more towards the Viking style of art, which we felt would be more recognisable. The Viking shield is perhaps one of the most iconic shields we can think of, so using that in the centre of the design was an idea we had right from the start (the sword just naturally fit in with that!). We combined this with a design taken from some Viking jewellery (a torc) which helped to bring the whole piece together. The dark blue of the banner was chosen to represent the cold and harsh environment in which the Sturgians live, and also the seas which they travelled across from their homelands.

About Sturgia

The Sturgian forests are forbidding and cold, but great wealth lies within. Wild honey can be found, and bog iron, but the real prize has always been fur. For centuries, brave traders ventured there to buy the pelts of fox, rabbit and ermine from the tribes of the woods. As the empire expanded eastward, that trickle of traders became a flood. Great towns sprung up on the rivers. Fortune-seekers came from the coast, from the steppes, and most of all from the Nordlands. Tribal elders made alliances with the newcomers, sealed by wedding vows, and with their share of the trading profits hired mercenaries to subdue other tribes. Sturgia became a collection of principalities, then a kingdom, the great powerhouse of the north.

The Sturgians are based on the federation of city-states known as Kievan Rus, Other wise know as Ukrainian Kingdom and or Ukrainian Empire. Like many boomtowns, the Rus river cities attracted people from faraway lands. Predominantly Slavic communities were forming into states at a breakneck pace and borrowing institutions, religions, and ways of trade and war from their neighbours. Greek missionaries, Finnic foresters, Turkic and Iranian steppe tribes, and most famously the Varangian Norse all left their mark on the aesthetics of the Ukrainian art, arms and armour. We think the motifs and styles of Sturgian equipment – gilded and peaked helmets, furs and gold brocade, runes and gripping beasts and folk embroidery and Arabesques -- will make it some of the most spectacular in the game.

As with other factions, we let history be our inspiration for Sturgia's politics. The chroniclers weren't shy about expressing their opinions about the different princes. Some rulers, like Vladimir the Great or Yaroslav the Wise, have come down to us as far-sighted rulers. Others, like Sviatopolk "the Accursed," accused of murdering his brothers, or Vseslav, the sorcerer-king of Pskov, were depicted as some of the more colourful tyrants in medieval Europe. Raganvad, the current Sturgian prince, is cut out of the latter mould: he knows how to punish but not how to reward, and he'll put to the test the old dictum that it is better to be feared than loved.

The commercial ethic was strong in early Rus, with the town veche or council ensuring that merchants had a major role in state policy. Danger and opportunity went hand in hand. A Muslim chronicler recalls how the Rus father of a newborn boy would show the baby a sword and tell him this would be his only inheritance: the blade would have to win all the rest of it. The Icelandic sagas, though geographically very far removed from the Rus, have also been an inspiration for the Varangians' ideal of businesslike warfare and warlike business, the kind of society where a father could say, "Son, you've been lazing around the fire all winter. Time to get up and show you can take some responsibility for your life. Go pillage someone."

The Rus employed both cavalry and archers, but the core of their forces in the early period was most likely formed infantry - also a Norse speciality. We've been working on the close-up foot-slogging side of Mount and Blade. Look out for high-tier AI opponents bashing you with their shield in the teeth, following it up with a blade going into your ribs. Disciplined infantry will be more likely to stay in formation, and will leave a space for a player in their ranks so you don't get crowded too closely by your allies.

Now, the Nords were a favourite faction in Warband, and we know a lot of people are drawn to Vikings - the blood eagles, the shipboard funeral pyres, the berserkers eager to join the feasting at Valhalla. Sturgia is Nordic-influenced but it's not really a Viking state: the Nordlands are off of the map (for the present, anyway) and they wouldn't really form the kind of proto-feudal kingdom that the Bannerlord factions represent. But, if players want to have a west Scandinavian-style play experience, the raiding, the companions, the ring-swords, two-handed axes, Valsgarde helmets, hauberks and raven banners will all be there. Among the Sturgian minor factions are the Skolderbroda, a mercenary brotherhood based on the (possibly legendary) Jomsvikings of the Baltic. The Finnic tribes meanwhile are represented by the Sons of the Forest, a semi- nomadic clan that practices swidden slash-and-burn agriculture in the depths of the woods. At any rate, there should be plenty of allies and plenty of enemies for players who want to win their inheritance with the blade, the Rus way, in this cold land of deadly opportunity.

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AseraiBattaniaKhuzait KhanateNorthern EmpireSouthern EmpireVlandiaWestern Empire

Sturgia | Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord Wiki (2024)


What are Sturgians best at? ›

Strengths. Powerful heavy infantry options. Noble shock cavalry on par with other cavalry, and doubles as effective infantry as they have increased athletics. Axes are commonplace among troops, giving them a significant edge in melee combat.

Are Sturgians Russian? ›

The Sturgians are based on the federation of city-states known as Kievan Rus, Other wise know as Ukrainian Kingdom and or Ukrainian Empire. Like many boomtowns, the Rus river cities attracted people from faraway lands.

What is the max battle size in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord? ›

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Attempting To Increase Battle Size: Need Help! I'm trying to push the battle size beyond it's highest limit of 1000.

What are the Sturgians? ›

The Sturgians, located in the northern forests, specialize in infantry and are primarily inspired by the Vikings and Rus'. The Aserai of the southern desert are adept at both cavalry and infantry tactics and are based on the pre-Islamic Arabs.

Which empire is the weakest Bannerlord? ›

The Empire was also split into three since the Emperor's death and that leaves the Southern Empire with the weakest economy out of all the three. It also struggles to expand compared to the other two portions of the Empire but at least it has access to the same heavy and elite units.

What is the hardest faction to play in Bannerlord? ›

The Southern Empire, like the Northern Empire, sought to gain dominion over what remained of the Calradic Empire. Instead, the widow of the deceased emperor of the once-intact empire rules it. As such, it's in a bad spot and typically has the most challenging position among all three splinter empires.

Who are battanians based on? ›

As readers have probably guessed, the Battanians are inspired by the Celtic peoples of Western Europe - in particular, the Picts, Irish, and Welsh of the early medieval era.

Are Sturgians Vikings? ›

I figured the Sturgians might be, but their design and influence is heavily Rus and Eastern European. There are some similarities, such as the axe infantry, but it's really more of a Russian design than Scandinavian.

Are Sturgian Heavy Axeman good? ›

In the current game, the axeman is decent, but has no anti cavalry capabilities, but their short ranged axes can do some damage, making them useful in defense and in sieges. Armed with throwing axes, and a strong one-handed axe, called the veteran warrior axe.

What is the max skill level in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord? ›

The current soft cap for skills is 330 with 10 attribute points and 5 focus points. It is possible to reach a higher number by gaining a single instance of high XP (eg. trading for a very large profit), by cheating or using mods that increase the minimum skill gain. The hard cap is 1023.

How long to beat Mount and Blade Bannerlord 2? ›

Powered by IGN Wiki Guides
Main Story2451h 8m
Main + Extras1776h 44m
Completionist10132h 51m
All PlayStyles5175h 41m

How do you get a big army in Bannerlord 2? ›

Increasing party size

To increase this you need to level up the Steward skill by keeping your party well fed, happy, and paid. This takes time to increase, but by ensuring you look after your troops, you'll soon be able to field a larger army.

What is Calradia based on? ›

The series is primarily set in the fantasy world of Calradia that closely resembles medieval Europe and the Middle East, expansions have taken place during different periods of history.

What time period is Bannerlord based on? ›

The events of Bannerlord take place in the in-game year 1084, 173 years before the start of Warband. You witness the latter years of the Calradic Empire and the rise of the kingdoms from which Swadians, Rhodoks, Nords, Vaegirs, Khergits and Sarranids all claim descent.

Who are the Vaegirs based on? ›

Vaegirs: City names don't sound super Slavic, but the entire look, fur helmets, boyars, says that they are based on either Kievan Rus or Muscovy. Swadia: France / England, this is most apparent with their heavy cavalry.

What is the best use of prisoners in Bannerlord? ›

Ransoming prisoners for gold

If you don't fancy recruiting any of them as troops, then the simplest way to deal with your prisoners is to ransom them. Head to the biggest town nearby and you'll find a tavern where you can ransom some or all of the prisoners you have, in exchange for gold.

What are the Rhodoks good at? ›

Rhodoks troops are full of well equipped infantry. They have greatspearmen and their marksmen are excellent, with their crossbows aiming true often. Their defensive potential is massive, and can keep your castles and towns from being captured easily.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Views: 5594

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.