SkyBlock Patch 0.6 - Guesting, Teleport Pads, and more! (2024)

SkyBlock Patch 0.6 - Guesting, Teleport Pads, and more! (1)

I wonder who owns this beautiful island..


Like we said in the previous patch, we are trying to release SkyBlock content every week!
Here in this week's patch:

  • Introducing Guesting
  • New Boss Loot mechanics and more
  • New collection items
  • Fishing Achievements
  • Personal Leaderboards
  • Shops improvements (buy in bulk!)
  • Balancing and General changes
  • Bug fixes

If you missed our last few patches, you can find them here, and if you missed the 0.5 update, click here.
Like last week, there are a lot of things to show so we will go over everything quickly.

Time to make your island look pretty!

SkyBlock Patch 0.6 - Guesting, Teleport Pads, and more! (2)

  • You can now visit the Islands of other players. /visit <name>
  • There is now an "Island Settings" menu in your SkyBlock Settings (SkyBlock Menu).
  • You can decide who can visit your island (Friends, Guild, Everyone, Nobody).
  • When visiting an island, you can't die nor take damage.
  • Guests can't break anything on your island, can't use abilities or open any chest or else.
  • By default, guests can't pick up the items that you drop on the ground, but you can enable it.
  • Guests can use the chat normally.
  • You can visit the islands of other players even if they are offline.
  • By default, we are limiting the total amount of guests on the island to 1.
  • If your island has at least 1 VIP, the max amount of guests on the island at the same time is 3.
  • If your island has at least 1 MVP, the max amount of guests on the island at the same time is 5.
  • If your island has at least 1 MVP++, the max amount of guests on the island at the same time is 7.
  • MVP++ players can still visit an island even if the island is full (up to a max of 10 guests on the island).
  • You can go back to the hub, or go back to your island using the SkyBlock Menu.
  • Jerry now has a Guesting Menu, where you can find info and also access your Settings.
  • Visits are OFF by default, if you want players to join your island turn it ON in your Settings.

This is only the testing phase of Guesting, we have many more plans for the future. Players will be able to create parkours and implement cool ways to interact with your guests.

New Boss Loot Mechanics
We want looting to be fun and fair at the end of the Boss Fights.
The Magma Boss is currently the only real Boss of the game, but this system would be used for future boss fights as well.

Loot mechanics:
Bosses still drop the items on the ground, but players can only see their own loot.
The more damage you deal to the Boss, the more loot you will gain from the Boss.
Even if you are the top 1 Damage, you might not get the best item, but you will have better odds of getting the best item.
Even if you did not get the best item, you will be compensated with more loot.
Overall the more damage you deal, the more loot you will gain, but it does not mean you'll get the best items.
Everyone who participated in the fight (at least dealt 1 damage) will get at least 1 Fragment, used to craft the Armor from the Boss.
At the end of the Boss Fight, you can now see your damage ranking and how much you dealt.

Magma Boss changes:

  • The Magma Boss now has 60000 Health
  • It now drops a lot more overall loot, enough for everyone.
  • It can now drop pieces of the Ember Armor. (Mid game armor)
  • It can now drop Ember Fragments (can be used to craft Ember Armor).
  • There are a few gameplay elements on the map that can give you a very accurate indication of the next time the Magma Boss will spawn...if you know what those are.

Let us know what you think about those new mechanics! If you like them, we will keep them for future fights!

New Collection Rewards

Teleport Pads
Unlocked in Ender Pearl Collection 7

SkyBlock Patch 0.6 - Guesting, Teleport Pads, and more! (3)

Very much like the Launch Pads, Teleport Pads can be placed on your island and right clicked to setup.
You can place up to 12 of them on your private island.
Each one of them is assigned a different color, and each one can be linked to the color of another Teleport Pad.
Example: You can set up Yellow Teleport Pad to always go to Red Teleport Pad, and then set up Red to always go to Green, and set up Green to always go to Yellow. You went full circle!

Hot Potato Book
Unlocked in Potato Collection 8
When you place a Hot Potato book in an Anvil with a weapon or armor, it'll permanently apply stats on that piece of gear forever, for free.
Applying a Hot Potato Book does not cost any level, and does not add any anvil penalty to the item, it's free!
Hot Potato Books gives +2 Weapon damage and +2 Strength on Weapons, and +2 Defense +4 HP on Armor pieces.
The one downside is that you can only use Hot Potato Books 10 times maximum on any piece of gear!

Woodcutting Crystal
Unlocked in Birch Log Collection 8
You can place this Woodcutting Crystal nearby your Foraging Minions and they will start working 10% faster.
It has a range of 12 blocks.

Greater Talisman Bag
Unlocked in Redstone Collection 10
This upgrade will increase the size of your Talisman Bag from 15 slots to 21 slots.

Hard Glass
Unlocked in Sand Collection 7
This special Glass can't be broken by explosions. Perfect for Ghasts!

Fishing Achievements
11 new fishing achievements!

  • Legendary Rod - Fish using the Rod of Legends
  • Baited - Obtain the Bait Ring
  • Water Sword - Kill a squid using the Prismarine Sword
  • Animal Fishing - Fish using the Farmers Rod
  • Sea Monsters - Obtain the Sea Creature Artifact
  • Treasure Fishing - Fish up a Large Treasure
  • Higher Enchants - Obtain a level 6 enchantment book
  • Fortunate - Fish 2 treasures at once using the blessing enchant
  • Big Game Fisher - Kill a sea creature that requires fishing level 20 or higher
  • Agile - Drink an Agility potion
  • Night Eyes - Obtain the Night Vision charm
  • Saddle Up! - Craft a saddle (Bonus Achievement)

Personal Leaderboards
SkyBlock isn't really about competition, but we still think players should be able to see their personal rankings.

SkyBlock Patch 0.6 - Guesting, Teleport Pads, and more! (4)

You can now find your personal leaderboards in the SkyBlock Menu!

We do not want leaderboards to always show in the Menu, so first, you have to hover your mouse on either the Diamond Sword or the Painting in either the Skill Menu / Collection Menu

SkyBlock Patch 0.6 - Guesting, Teleport Pads, and more! (5)

It will then tell you to click on it to show the rankings.
Once clicked, you will see the rankings of each Skill or Collection below each respective one.

SkyBlock Patch 0.6 - Guesting, Teleport Pads, and more! (6)

Time to rank up!

Shop Improvements

SkyBlock Patch 0.6 - Guesting, Teleport Pads, and more! (7)


You can now right-click on items in the shop to buy in bulk.
This does not work on armors, weapons, talismans, potions or enchanted books.

Enchantment Changes

New enchantment: Telekinesis
Telekinesis can be applied to Swords, Bows, Pickaxes, Axes, Shears, anything!
Whenever you mine an ore, cut wood, shear a sheep or kill a mob, the loot directly goes into your inventory. (Does not work on Boss monsters)

Enchanted Book Recipe changes
Crafting level 1 Enchanted Books was almost never a good idea.
We changed all the collections to reward higher level books instead, and scale the difficulty of the recipes appropriately. Hopefully, book recipes are interesting to craft now!

Cubism 1 Book is now Cubism 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Protection 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Sharpness 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Bane of Arthropods 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Looting 1 Book is now level 2 and is 2 times more expensive.
Scavenger 1 Book is now level 2 and is 2 times more expensive.
Fortune 1 Book is now level 2 and is 2 times more expensive.
Infinite Quiver 1 Book is now level 2 and is 2 times more expensive.
Smite 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Projectile Protection 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Power 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Respiration 1 Book is now level 2 and is 2 times more expensive.
Experience 1 Book is now level 2 and is 2 times more expensive.
Thunderlords 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Blast Protection 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Fire Protection 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Feather Falling 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Depth Strider 1 Book is now level 2 and is 2 times more expensive.
Efficiency 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Thorns 1 Book is now level 2 and is 2 times more expensive.
Ender Slayer 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Execute 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
First Strike 1 Book is now level 3 and is 4 times more expensive.
Giant Killer 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Life Steal 1 Book is now level 2 and is 2 times more expensive.
Vampirism 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Harvesting 1 Book is now level 5 and is 16 times more expensive.
Snipe 1 Book is now level 2 and is 2 times more expensive.
Luck 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Luck of the Sea 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Lure 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Magnet 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Impaling 1 Book is now level 2 and is 2 times more expensive.
Cleave 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Lethality 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Venomous 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Critical 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Growth 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Angler 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Frail 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Blessing 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Spiked Hook 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.
Caster 1 Book is now level 4 and is 8 times more expensive.

Enchantment mechanics changes
In preparation for end-game content coming in the next few weeks we have decided to balance enchantments.
Enchantments will no longer buff each other, they will only apply to the base damage of the weapon.
This is a pretty big change, as it will lower the damage of items by a lot, but at least it will allow us to add new enchantments later, without having to worry about them buffing all other enchantments.
Because of that, we might need to buff some of the weapons in the game, let us know what you think about it!

Until now, every single enchantment that would add a % damage to your weapon, would not apply directly on the base damage, but on all the damage until then.
Example before update:
Let's take a sword with 100 damage, with Sharpness 5, First Strike 4, Cubism 5.
The first hit on a Magma Cube would deal:
100 * 1.25 * 2 * 1.5 = 375 damage.

After those changes, it will deal:
100 * (1 + 0.25 + 1 + 0.5) = 275 damage.

As you can see it'll heavily reduce the damage of your first hits, and reduce the other hits by a decent amount.
But at least now we can add new enchantments without breaking the balance completely!

Execute and Snipe changes
Execute enchantment nerfed from 1% to 0.2% per missing health %, but it now scales to level 5, instead of 3.
Snipe enchantment nerfed from 5 to 10 blocks distance.

Frost Walker changes

SkyBlock Patch 0.6 - Guesting, Teleport Pads, and more! (8)

Nice try nerd
Frost Walker will no longer work next to a bobber, peace is restored.

Accidental Drop Protection
When clicking the drop key while holding a Weapon, Armor, Talisman, Fishing Rod, Tools or any Epic/Legendary/Special items, you will have to click the drop key twice in a row if you want to drop the item.
Otherwise, the item won't drop and you will see this lovely message:

SkyBlock Patch 0.6 - Guesting, Teleport Pads, and more! (9)

General Changes

  • Midas Sword got buffed from +80 Str and Damage to +120 Str and Damage at 50M coins.
  • Players can now out-bid themselves when the item is a Midas Sword.
  • The Spirit Mask got buffed from 5 to 7% speed.
  • The Speedster set got buffed from 30 to 35% total speed.
  • Players now gain 2.5 Network Exp per second in SkyBlock.
  • Guild Exp was buffed from 2 to 2.5 per second.
  • Default Sea Creatures catch rates buffed from 10% to 20%
  • Max Sea Creature catch rate nerfed from 56% to 41%
  • Odds of Hydra and Emperor rates remain the same.
  • Looting does not work on Diver Fragments anymore, only 1 will drop every time.
  • Emerald Armor buffed from +200 to +250 stats but scales slower.
  • Emerald Armor is now Epic Rarity.
  • Sugar Cane was nerfed from 3 to 2 coins. (Still quite a lot)
  • Personal Launch Pads can now go up to 12 horizontal and vertical power (from 7 and 5).
  • Backpacks containing items can no longer be sold in the Auction House.
  • Sponge is now Common rarity.

Bug Fixes
Yesterday we released a bug fix patch that you can read here.
Since then we fixed a few other bugs:

  • Fixed an issue with budget hoppers not working correctly when the minion had a storage chest
  • Fixed an issue with some minions not getting the right amount of items when players were offline (rabbit, spider, cave spider minions for example)
  • Fixed the Fishing Minion recipes showing up twice in the Recipe Book
  • Allow mob minions to collect drops that don't have 100% drop chance during the offline simulation, and make them work correctly with drop pools
  • Fixed Super Compactor 3000 not working with blaze rods
  • Fix minion skull not changing when using the fast upgrade feature
  • Fix Aspect of the End allowing you to teleport through blocks and into blocks
  • Ensure Aspect of the End can't be used to get into the Colosseum
  • Fix trade not being canceled when closing the menu if you hit accept first
  • Fix being able to break wheat on the hub island when you get there from The Barn by using the grappling hook
  • Fixed an issue where inventories would be wiped upon changing servers
  • Fixed Enchanted Bone Meal sometimes not fully growing something on use

@Minikloon - Guesting
@erosemberg - Boss Mechanics & Shop Improvements
@Nitroholic_ - New Collection Rewards
@Dctr - Fishing Achievements
@OrangeMarshall - Personal Leaderboards
@aPunch - New enchantment and mechanics + drop prevention
@ConnorLinfoot - Frost Walker changes + Performances
@Sylent, HPC and Bugs Team - Testing/QA

If you find a bug please report it on the SkyBlock Bug Forums

In the next few weeks we are going to focus on end-game content, monetization, bug fixes and much more, stay tuned!

SkyBlock Patch 0.6 - Guesting, Teleport Pads, and more! (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.