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'); } }); } function callBackValidation() { var charexp = / /gi; // used to strip white space var formError = false; $('#call-back__form').find('.call-back__input, .call-back__select').each(function () { if ($(this).val().replace(charexp, "") == "") { formError = true; } }); if (true === formError) { return false; } else { pushFormSubmission('Request a Callback'); $('#js-call-back-save-btn').css('visibility', 'hidden').attr('disabled', true); grecaptcha.execute(recaptchaCallBack); } } function callBackRecapcha(token) { insertCallBackRequest(); } function insertProductQuestion() { var thisForm = $("#product-question__form"); var questionFormHeader = $("#js-product-question-header-wrapper"); var questionHeaderWrapper = $("#js-product-question-header-wrapper"); var questionSaveBtn = $('#js-product-question-save-btn'); $.ajax({ url: thisForm.attr('action'), type: thisForm.attr('method'), data: thisForm.serialize(), dataType: "json", cache: false, error: function () { alert('The invisible reCAPTCHA failed, please try again.'); grecaptcha.reset(recaptchaProductQuestion); grecaptcha.execute(recaptchaProductQuestion); questionSaveBtn.css('visibility', '').attr('disabled', false); }, success: function (response) { if (false === response['email-error']) { thisForm.hide(); questionFormHeader.html('

Thank you for the product question

When your question is answered, it will be listed above.

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There\'s been a problem

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grecaptcha.reset(recaptchaProductQuestion); grecaptcha.execute(recaptchaProductQuestion); }, success: function (response) { if ('success' === response.response) { $('#' + contactFormReference + ' form .recaptcha-field').remove(); $('#' + contactFormReference + ' form').submit(); } else { alert('The invisible reCAPTCHA failed, please try again.'); } } }); } function whatsappSharingRecaptcha(token) { grecaptcha.execute(recaptchaWhatsappSharing); } function smsSharingRecaptcha(token) { grecaptcha.execute(recaptchaSmsSharing); } function emailSharingRecaptcha(token) { grecaptcha.execute(recaptchaEmailSharing); } function validateShareBasketInput(inputId) { var charexp = / /gi; // used to strip white space var alertMessage = ''; if ($(inputId).attr('type') === 'tel' && /^[0-9+]{9,20}$/g.test($(inputId).val().replace(charexp, '')) === false) { // Check telephone is not blank and valid alertMessage += 'Mobile number'; } else if ($(inputId).attr('type') === 'email' && /^[\w\d_-](\.?[\w\d_-])*@[\w\d_-]+\.([\w]{1,20}\.)?([\w]{1,20}\.)?[\w]{2,20}$/g.test($(inputId).val()) === false) { // Check email is not blank and valid alertMessage += 'Email address'; 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alert('Sharing failed, please try again.'); grecaptcha.reset(sharingVar); grecaptcha.execute(sharingVar); }, success: function (response) { if (response['response'] === 'success') { var dataLayer = window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'basketShare', 'method': thisFormId, 'permalink': $('#basketPermalinkInput').val() }); thisForm.hide(); $('#js-sharing-success').show(); grecaptcha.reset(sharingVar); var basketSharedViaWhatsApp = response['cookies']['basketSharedViaWhatsApp']; var basketSharedViaSms = response['cookies']['basketSharedViaSms']; var basketSharedViaEmail = response['cookies']['basketSharedViaEmail']; if (basketSharedViaWhatsApp && basketSharedViaSms && basketSharedViaEmail) { $('.allShareContainers').remove(); } else { if (basketSharedViaWhatsApp) { $('#whatsappShareContainer').remove(); } if (basketSharedViaSms) { $('#smsShareContainer').remove(); } if (basketSharedViaEmail) { $('#emailShareContainer').remove(); } } if (response['additional'] !== undefined) { var win = window.open(response['additional'], '_blank'); win.focus(); } } } }); } else { alert('Could not find reCAPTCHA. Please refresh and try again.'); } } function productQuestionsRecapcha(token) { $('#js-product-question-save-btn').css('visibility', 'hidden').attr('disabled', true); insertProductQuestion(); } function subscribeFormValidation() { var formError = false; const customerName = $('#customer_name'); const customerEmail = $('#customer_email'); var alertMessage = ''; if (customerName.val().replace(/ /i, "") === "") { alertMessage += 'Your name.\n'; formError = true; } if (/^[\w\d_-](\.?[\w\d_-])*@[\w\d_-]+\.([\w]{1,20}\.)?([\w]{1,20}\.)?[\w]{2,20}$/g.test(customerEmail.val()) === false) { alertMessage += 'A valid email address.'; formError = true; } if (true === formError) { alert('Please enter the following and try again: \n' + alertMessage); return false; } else { $('#js-subscribe-save-btn').css('visibility', 'hidden').attr('disabled', true); grecaptcha.execute(recaptchaSubscribe); } } function submitSubscribeFormData() { var thisForm = $("#js-subscribe-form"); $.ajax({ url: thisForm.attr('action'), type: thisForm.attr('method'), data: thisForm.serialize(), dataType: "json", cache: false, error: function () { alert('The invisible reCAPTCHA failed, please try again.'); grecaptcha.reset(recaptchaSubscribe); grecaptcha.execute(recaptchaSubscribe); }, success: function (response) { window.location.href = '/pages/subscribe-confirmation.html'; } }); } function subscribeRecapcha(token) { submitSubscribeFormData(); } var onloadCallback = function () { /* Attached to Request a Call Back Form */ if ($('#callBackRecapcha').length) { recaptchaCallBack = grecaptcha.render('callBackRecapcha', { 'sitekey': reCaptchaSiteKey, 'callback': callBackRecapcha, 'size': 'invisible', 'badge': 'inline' }); } /* Attached to Product Question Form */ if ($('#productQuestionsRecapcha').length) { recaptchaProductQuestion = grecaptcha.render('productQuestionsRecapcha', { 'sitekey': reCaptchaSiteKey, 'callback': productQuestionsRecapcha, 'size': 'invisible', 'badge': 'inline' }); } /* Attached to SPE Contact Form */ if ($('#contactFormSPERecaptcha').length) { recaptchaContactFormSPE = grecaptcha.render('contactFormSPERecaptcha', { 'sitekey': reCaptchaSiteKey, 'callback': contactFormSPERecaptcha, 'size': 'invisible', 'badge': 'inline' }); } if ($('#contactFormCSERecaptcha').length) { recaptchaContactFormCSE = grecaptcha.render('contactFormCSERecaptcha', { 'sitekey': reCaptchaSiteKey, 'callback': contactFormCSERecaptcha, 'size': 'invisible', 'badge': 'inline' }); } if ($('#contactFormFCRecaptcha').length) { recaptchaContactFormFC = grecaptcha.render('contactFormFCRecaptcha', { 'sitekey': reCaptchaSiteKey, 'callback': contactFormFCRecaptcha, 'size': 'invisible', 'badge': 'inline' }); } if ($('#subscribeRecapcha').length) { recaptchaSubscribe = grecaptcha.render('subscribeRecapcha', { 'sitekey': reCaptchaSiteKey, 'callback': subscribeRecapcha, 'size': 'invisible', 'badge': 'inline' }); } }; $(document).ready(function () { // Load recaptcha JS when a product question or callback request form element receives focus var captchaLoaded = false; $('.product-question__input, .call-back__input, .call-back__select, .js-sharing-input, .subscribe__input, .js-contact-form-input').on('focus', function () { // Only load JS once if (captchaLoaded) { return; } var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var recaptchaScript = document.createElement('script'); recaptchaScript.type = 'text/javascript'; recaptchaScript.src = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=onloadCallback&render=explicit'; recaptchaScript.defer = true; head.appendChild(recaptchaScript); captchaLoaded = true; }); $('#js-call-back-save-btn').click(function () { callBackValidation(); }); $('#js-product-question-save-btn').click(function () { productQuestionValidation(); }); $('#js-subscribe-save-btn').click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); subscribeFormValidation(); }); // Contact Form submit detects $('#saveForm_SPE').click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); contactFormValidation('collapseOne', recaptchaContactFormSPE); }); $('#saveForm_CSE').click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); contactFormValidation('collapseTwo', recaptchaContactFormCSE); }); $('#saveForm_FC').click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); contactFormValidation('collapseThree', recaptchaContactFormFC); }); /* Set-up Category/Brand/Search price slider */ if ($('.js-range-slider').length) { $('head').append('

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External Doors | Front Doors UK | Exterior Doors | Entrance Doors | Door Superstore® | Door Superstore (2024)
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Article information

Author: Aron Pacocha

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Views: 6144

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.